• Broker Exam Preparation Class

    We provide two exam preparation classes annually – a Spring and Fall session. Washington Continuing Education credits are available when you take this course. Unfortunately, Continuing Education credit for other states’ licensees are not available at this time.

    The day long class is divided into two sections. The morning section covers the Financial Review materials. The afternoon section is the general review that normally spans Washington State statutes and regulations, Lloyd’s and the London markets and relevant Property & Casualty coverages. Instructors are licensed surplus line brokers.

    For more information, please send an email to info@surpluslines.org or click the link below to register for the next class.

    The cost of the class is $150.00, payable to the Surplus Line Association of Washington on or before the day of the class.

    *NOTE: You are not required to hold a P&C License to take this course, however, you must have a P&C License with the State of Washington to receive continuing education credits or sit for your Surplus Line Broker Exam.

    Our next Surplus Line Broker Exam Preparation Class has been scheduled!

    May 1, 2025 | Register Here

    Washington Athletic Club
    1325 6th Avenue
    Seattle, WA 98101


    Exam Content Outline

    A Brief Look at Surplus Lines Property (PDF)
    Casualty in Surplus Lines (PDF)
    Risk Retention Groups & Purchasing Groups
    Lloyd’s of London (PDF)
    Lloyd’s Coverholder Guide

    Statutes & Regulations

    Statutes & Regulations

    Financial Statements & Related Supplements

    IRIS Ratios
    IRIS Ratios Overview
    NAIC & AM Best
    Sample Washington Financials (DOC)

    Surplus Line Broker – Individual Resident
    PSI – Insurance License Examination Bulletin
    Passed your Exam? Apply for your License!