Part of the Surplus Line Association of Washington’s Mission is to supply educational support to the members of the Association, including dissemination of information regarding laws, rules and regulations relevant to surplus lines insurance. We also support insurance education relative to surplus lines insurance in the State of Washington through sponsorship of training classes and seminars, or grants of money or expertise to educational institutions.
We are excited to announce that we are accepting applications from our members to receive a scholarship to attend one of the following WSIA Educational Programs:
Excess & Surplus Lines | June 15-18
Chicago ∙ IL
less than 5 years surplus lines industry experience
Marcus Payne Advanced E&S | June 15-18
Chicago ∙ IL
5+ years of surplus lines industry experience
Underwriting Boot Camp | October 6-9
Scottsdale ∙ AZ
less than 5 years surplus lines underwriting experience
WSIA University | November 12-15
Orlando ∙ FL
all career levels
Scholarship recipients can expect to receive full paid tuition for their selected program, paid lodging through the duration of the course, meal reimbursement, and a $300 flight stipend.
Complete your application online or email us your printed application.
We look forward to announcing winners in April!